How to Diminish Fine Lines around Lips?

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How to Diminish Fine Lines around Lips?


One of the early signs of aging is appearance of fine lines around the lips. These lines, also called nasolabial folds, develop because of less collagen production in old age. As you age your body begins to produce less collagen causing ligaments around the mouth and chin to loosen and as a result the fatty tissues in your cheeks begin to sag.

However, age is not the only factor that causes wrinkles around the lips; bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle can cause your skin to wrinkle and sag at quite an early age. Four habits that have been proven to cause early age wrinkling around mouth include smoking, chewing gum, drinking out of a straw and sleeping on your side. A recent research has proven that drinking out of bottle can also cause nasolabial folds. Going out without wearing sunscreen is also one major reason behind appearance of wrinkles at an early age. If you want to avoid these facial lines then always wear sunscreen and avoid repeated facial expressions.

However, if you have already developed deep, etched lines around lips, don’t worry. Gone are the days when the only solution for facial wrinkles and creases was to go under the knife. Now, there are numerous non-surgical options available to help you get rid of remove facial lines – courtesy advancements in technology.

Botox injections comprise the most popular and the most demanded treatment for diminishing fine lines around lips, and is equally popular among men and women. One reason behind popularity of this procedure is that it offers instant results and its effects also last for quite long – up to 4 months.

Botox, a naturally occurring toxic protein, when injected into the skin causes the facial muscles to relax, thereby making the wrinkles and creases less visible. Expression lines around the mouth are caused by frequent movement of muscles. Botox, brand name for botulinum toxin type A, is injected directly into the muscle causing these lines. The drug temporarily paralyzes the muscles responsible for formation of fine lines around the lips, and thus prevents them from contracting. As a result these lines become less noticeable.

It is a safe and easy procedure that hardly takes 10 to minutes, depending on the technique and the extent of lines. The discomfort associated with the injection is almost negligible; however, if you are overly sensitive to needle prick then your practitioner may apply some topical anesthetic to numb the treatment area before administering Botox.

Botox treatment to Diminish fine lines around lips rarely causes any serious side effects. Some common side effects that have been reported by individuals after the procedure are, swelling and bruising at the injection site, swelling in lips, headache and neck pain. Though these symptoms are not serious and subside at their own in a couple of days, never take them easy and contact your doctor as soon as you notice them. If you want to avoid these side effects, go for a dermatologist who is not only board-certified but also has at least 5 years of experience in administering Botox.

If you are planning to get Botox shots for fine lines around lips in Dubai, visit us now and you would not be disappointed. We also offer free online consultations for our esteemed clients. If you have any queries regarding botox dubai or want to book an appointment now, simply fill the form below and let our experts guide you.

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