Sweating is a natural process that your body uses to maintain its core temperature as well as to detoxify itself. But this very natural process is good and healthy as long as your sweat glands are functioning normally and sweating is not interfering with your ability to perform daily tasks. If you feel your body sweats too much, even when there is no need to, then you are probably suffering from a medical condition called Hyperhidrosis.
Hyperhidrosis is a neurological disorder in which sweat glands of a person become overactive and start producing sweat more than the body’s requirement. In this case the traditional sweat control measures, like natural remedies or use of antiperspirants fail to offer relief. Hyperhidrosis patients need to take some special measures to curb sweating. Luckily there are some really effective ways to treat hyperhidrosis, including Iontophoresis, Anticholinergic drugs, ETS Surgery and Botox injections. Every treatment option has its own pros and cons as well as limitations. Here we will discuss reviews of top hyperhidrosis treatments being practiced around the world.
This traditional sweat control technique involves soaking affected areas – usually hands and feet – in a shallow tray of water for about half an hour, while a low electric current is applied to the water. The working principle of this treatment is yet to be known, but the dermatologists believe that it works by blocking the sweat from getting the surface of the skin. The treatment needs to be repeated several times a week for a few weeks before you see any improvement. Once controlled, you may need a couple of treatments every month to maintain the results.
Iontophoresis can be used for treating sweating in hands and feet only. Other areas of the body like face and underarms cannot be treated with this technique. Furthermore, despite being a safe procedure, it is not recommended for pregnant women as well as people with pacemakers or those who have metal implants in their bodies. Epilepsy patients and those suffering from cardiac conditions are also not considered ideal candidates for Iontophoresis.
Another really effective way to control excessive sweating is through prescription medicines, such as anticholinergic drugs. These oral medications inhibit production of excessive sweat by stopping the activation of sweat glands. Oral medicines are prescribed when multiple body areas are affected or large parts of the body need to be treated.
Medicines can help relieve sweating in almost any part of the body, from head to toe. But they are not recommended as a log-term hyperhidrosis treatment because they have their own side effects that can be more hazardous than the sweating itself. Common side effects include eyesight problem, heart palpitation and urinary problems. Doctors usually prescribe anticholinergic drugs as a short-term solution, like to curb sweating for some special life event or important family function.
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is a surgical hyperhidrosis treatment that involves cutting the sympathetic nerves – those responsible for activating sweat glands. But surgery should be the last resort, after you have tried every other hyperhidrosis treatment option. Surgery is recommended for the patients suffering from chronic hyperhidrosis, who have tried almost every other treatment. Sometimes the surgery also involves cutting out the sweat glands.
Surgery can be performed on hands and armpits only. Other parts of the body, like feet, face, back or the groin area cannot be treated surgically. Side effects of surgery involve scarring, compensatory sweating and the risk of permanent damage to the nerves. Compensatory sweating means when one part of the body stops producing sweat, other areas – such as your face, feet, chest or back – have to produce a little more sweat to compensate.
If after knowing the risks and limitations of the above stated hyperhidrosis treatments you have come to a conclusion that there is no cure for excessive sweating, think again. Botox injections may be the real problem solver for you and many others around you battling with irksome sweating here or there. Botulinum toxin injections comprise probably the most popular hyperhidrosis treatment in Dubai as well as all over the world. Do you know why Botox is the preferred choice of doctors as well as the individuals for treating excessive sweating? This is because just a few shots of Botox in the area of problem offer a relief for over six months. The toxin works by inhibiting transmission of signals from and to the sweat glands.
Botox injections can help treat excessive sweating problem in almost any part of the body, from head to toe. Areas most commonly treated with Botox include underarms, hands, feet and face. Results of treatment are not permanent but they last for several months, so it a procedure worth considering. Also, when administered by some qualified dermatologist, Botox does not cause any serious side effects.
If you are really seeking an effective and risk free hyperhidrosis treatment in dubai, go get Botox shots and stay dry for up to six months. For all those seeking Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis in Dubai, visit us and get the injections from our internationally recognized, highly skilled dermatologists.