Puffy eyes and dark circles are unfortunately hard to avoid, but luckily there are some simple tips and tricks following which can help you not only avoid but also get rid of these two common cosmetic problems. Walk into any drug store and you will be bombarded legions of creams and serums claiming to erase dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. But most of them just claim! Even those which are effective offer a temporary solution and as soon as you discontinue their use. Puffiness around the eyes comes back. Also, the creams and serums are stuffed with chemicals which have their own side effects.
Here we will share with you some simple yet really effective skincare tips to say goodbye to puffy eyes and dark circles. But before that let’s have a look at causes of dark circles under eyes, as knowing the underlying cause will help you treat the problem.
Here are some time tested, proven ways to counter puffy eyes and dark circles problem.
Tired eyes are often related to unhealthy diet. Vitamin B and K are particularly associated with eye health. The former stimulates digestion of proteins while the latter helps prevent dark circles. Most eye creams designed for dark circles contain vitamin K as active ingredient. The natural way to counter the puffy eyes and dark circles problem is to incorporate more and more foods rich in B and K vitamins. These include fish, chicken, lean meat, dairy products, legumes, nuts, beans, grains and leafy green vegetables.
Since the skin around the eyes is delicate and highly sensitive, it gets maximum effect of environmental factors, especially sunlight. When going out, not only apply a sunscreen with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 and above generously around the eyes, but also provide them with physical protection against UV rays of sun by wearing XL sunglasses.
If you have already developed dark circles under your eyes or struggling with puffy eyes problem, a mint sauce massage may prove to be a magical remedy for you. Massage some fresh mint sauce under your eyes daily for a couple of minutes and then wash off with cool water. Mint not only cools the eyes but also helps eliminate harmful toxins.
Tea contains tannin, an enzyme known for its positive effect on skin discoloration and swelling. Let two tea bags steep in boiling hot water for 2 to 3 minutes. Squeeze the bags and refrigerate them for 10 to 15 minutes. Place the eye bags on your eyes and lay straight for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash your face off with cool water, but for better results, don’t wash the face. Ice cubes and cold teaspoons have a similar effect on puffy eyes and dark circles.
Take two slices of fresh pineapple and mash them with half teaspoon turmeric powder to get a smooth paste. Turmeric contains an enzyme “curcumin” that helps prevent tissue cell damage. Apply to paste under the eyes and leave it on for 25 to 30 minutes while relaxing. Wash off with cool water and apply a moisturizer. For best results repeat this two to three times a week.
Cucumber and potato make an ideal combo for those seeking an effective fix for puffiness and dark circles. Combine two tablespoons each of freshly grated cucumber and potato and apply under and around the eyes. Wait for 20 minutes while relaxing and then rinse off with cool water. Follow it with a gentle massage under the eyes. These vegetable are stuffed with enzymes that detoxify the skin and at the same time make skin a bit lighter. Repeat this once or twice a week.
Mix two teaspoons of lemon juice with two tablespoons of tomato juice and apply the mixture under your eyes. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off, gently massaging the affected area. Since lemon is acidic in nature and can dry out your skin, try this remedy just once in a week.
Try these tips and tricks with full confidence and say goodbye to puffy eyes and dark circles. But like any other natural remedy, these fixes also need your time and patience to be effective.
If you are seeking dark circles treatment in dubai, Fillers may be worth considering.We also offers Dermal Fillers in dubai. If you are interested, book a free online consultation now for a customized advice.